Haytap Rescues Animal Friends In Earthquake Zone
Eartquake that happened on the 6th of February has affected around 10 big cities. The area it covers is really big. As HAYTAP , Animal Rights Federation in Turkey , we only have power to go to just one area because of having limited amound of trained people and resources. This city is called HATAY-ANTAKYA (ancient city called ANTIACHEIA).
Unfortunatly the weather conditions are really bad and there is a threat of being stuck on the roads. But most of our cars have arrived and also there are some on their way to HATAY-ANTAKYA. There are currently 15-20 voulenteers going there. But because of limited government help for rescuing trapped people under the buildings, people even asking help from us to rescue them. We are trying to do our best to help both sides (animals and humans). Also we are receiving distress calls from individuals trying to rescue their trapped animals from all these cities.
For more updates please feel free to follow us on facebook english page and our instagram page
For people that are willing to help, there are several accounts below for donations(Euro, Dollar, Swiss Franc).
- Garanti Bankası :
- € : TR24 0006 2000 3570 0009 0848 82
- TL : TR21 0006 2000 3570 0006 2970 59
- $ : TR94 0006 2000 3570 0009 0848 83
- CHF : TR21 0006 2000 3570 0009 0542 84
for credit card options : ( the link is in many languages. You have to scroll down to change the language and the currency )
The donations you will make to the first federation in Turkey found on animal rights, HAYTAP Animal Rights Federation is delivered as aid to animal in need around the country. You can do your donation using your credit card on this highly secure website.
With monthly donations, you will be extending a helping hand to animal in need. You can donate as a one-time donation or as a monthly commitment, whichever you prefer.
HAYTAP 's all bank accounts go through international audit via a tax and advisory firm KPMG Turkey and by the Istanbul Governance and Associations.
If you check the "I want to have a monthly regular donation" option, the amount you set will be automatically charged from your credit card on the same date each month.
With the donations you make to HAYTAP, we complete many projects around the country, all with the mission of helping homeless animals.
Your donations become a variety of items such as a surgery room, cat / dog shelter, food, and health support ,rescuing , pr works , lobbying in parliament , etc for animals in locations where nobody sees them or hears them. Please click here to see further details on these projects.
HERE ARE SOME OTHER WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT HAYTAP : By ordering all the needs of your pets through the link, you are supporting the HAYTAP projects. With no extra charge and free shipping for 200TL and above, you can complete payment via kredi card, bank transfer or pay at your door upon delivery; and the entire amount is transferred to the projects funds of HAYTAP. As you are making travel plans, if you visit , you will be transferred o And from that moment, as you make your bookings on, you will be donating to HAYTAP without any extra cost. sends a certain percentage of the earnings to HAYTAP as a donation.
The donations you will make to the first federation in Turkey found on animal rights, HAYTAP Animal Rights Federation in Turkey is delivered as aid to animal in need around the country. You can do your donation using your credit card on this highly secure website.
With monthly donations, you will be extending a helping hand to animal in need. You can donate as a one-time donation or as a monthly commitment, whichever you prefer.
To get more detailed information please contact us via email;
contact :
Thank you so much for your concerns and supports,